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12th March 2025 
About Barbara. Barbaraprofile


I am a mentor specialising in working with highly sensitive people.  I founded Growing Unlimited Therapeutic Consultancy in 2002 and Growing Unlimited HSP Hampshire Meetup in 2008.  I have worked in the field of personal development since 1993, initially as a therapist and supervisor for twenty years and then working specifically with highly sensitive people as a mentor and trainer since 2013. I have received training directly from Elaine Aron PhD and am a member of ICHS (international consultants on high sensitivity). I am based in both Hampshire and Cornwall and also support HSP-related events internationally.

About Barbara. childforest

I provide professional consultation to individuals and organisations, workplaces and the media, online and face to face.

I have a part time private practice, developing and promoting the wellbeing of sensitive people both one-to-one, in groups, within organisations, and as a speaker on the topic of high sensitivity. I also create social and personal development events within which highly sensitive people can explore various elements of authentic sensitive living. My practice is based in Andover, Hampshire and Pendeen, Cornwall and I have facilitated training and workshops for sensitive people and professionals nationally and internationally.

About Barbara. Counselling1a


I began my training as a therapist in 1991 with a 3 year course at a Southampton based psychodynamic organisation affiliated to Westminster Pastoral Foundation. During that time I also underwent training in the counselling of addictions and related issues, worked as a family worker/counsellor within social services and also worked for 10 years in an addictions counselling agency as a counsellor, group worker, counselling supervisor, and client services manager, counselling a large variety of clients in both short and longer-term work including underlying issues, and working with couples and family members where appropriate. During that time I counselled in a variety of settings including hospitals and GP surgeries. In 1999 I qualified as a counselling supervisor and have much experience in supporting and mentoring counsellors and workers from a variety of therapeutic and educational backgrounds with particular experience in facilitating and supporting those working in the addictions and domestic violence fields, supporting change and development. I went into Private Practice in 2002, specialising in highly sensitive people and until I retired from those roles in 2013 was a UKRC Registered Independent Counsellor accredited with the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals and The National Counselling Society, plus an individual member of BACP, UKRCP & FDAP. Other trainings I have participated in include: Group Analysis (introductory year); Diagnosis and psychotherapy of dissociative disorders; brief, solution-focussed therapy; motivational interviewing; cognitive beharioural therapy; anger management; anxiety management; Gorski relapase prevention; systemic work in addictions; childhood sexual abuse; counselling for gamblers; dual diagnosis; cultural diversity; men in therapy; freedom programme facilitation, and much more.

In 2008 I launched the first HSP Monthly Meetup in Winchester from my practice at Haven on The Square, this is still going and has now transferred to Andover. In 2010 I founded and worked in the National Centre for High Sensitivity for ten years and have been a co-host at HSP Gathering Retreats in the UK, USA, Germany, Canada and Sweden with Jacquelyn Strickland who co-founded these retreats with Dr Elaine Aron. I have also co-led two-day workshops with Jacquelyn Strickland and Annet de Zwart. I have been interviewed numerous times on the topic of high sensitivity and continue to be listed as a speaker by Dr Elaine Aron (the renowned researcher on sensory processing sensitivity) on her website at

Currently I run and support meetups, provide workshops and days of community, mentoring and coaching for HSPs and also run training events for professionals who wish to give a better quality of support to their highly sensitive clients. I provide input around career and relationships for HSPs and also Mentor professionals who are developing services for the sensitive population. I am a founding member of ICHS (international consultants on high sensitivity), a group established during training with Dr Elaine Aron.  I am in the process of releasing a simple guide book on high sensitivity in 2024.  

About Barbara. Cllgroomcompressed1